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Getting back to blogging

that’s me chopping veggies!
photo by Erin Conger, @erinconger

Hello! It’s me! I decided it is time for me to resume writing regularly on this blog. So I am doing an experiment and I’m going post 3x/week for the next month. (Hold me to it, please!)

When I originally decided to start this “food” blog (if you can call it that considering I’ve only posted six recipes total), I did not at all have a plan for it. People had told me for years I should have a food blog. Then one day, the name “garlic press jess” hit me like a bolt of lightning, and so I bought the domain and started it. Shortly after that, I embarked on a 3-month farm adventure in Hawaii, so I had a ton to write about and also the time to do so. In those early months I posted regularly, but in the last few years I’ve only posted when I felt extremely inspired (ie, roughly once a year, ha!).

In these last few years, as I’ve been figuring out my new, entrepreneurial career path in food, I’ve struggled to believe I had anything to say worth contributing to the food world - because from a foodie perspective it seems so saturated. The pressure to come up with and post new recipes regularly made me cringe (and still does - it’s a ton of work to test and write high-quality recipes!). Well - I’m happy to report that something has finally clicked in the past couple months, and I finally believe the following: I DO have ideas worth contributing, I actually have A LOT to say, and most importantly, I realized I truly enjoy sharing my food activities and connecting with others about what I’m doing.

To be clear, for my one-month consistent blogging experiment, I will probably not be posting many recipes. I am going to start writing because: 

  1. I enjoy writing and I want to improve at it 

  2. I’ve realized that my everyday food activities are actually interesting to people 

  3. I want to post content in a place where people who aren’t on Instagram can see what I’m up to (I’ve been posting a lot on Instagram stories lately, which has given me the confidence that I should keep sharing, but I also want to reach people who aren’t on Instagram).

I will be writing about my food activities and adventures, or whatever I’m excited about (which will probably be related to food at least 80% of the time). I hope to include a few recipes or at least key ingredients so you can replicate what I’m doing if you want to try. I’m going to aim to keep the posts short and sweet (around 500 words).

I was going to add food content to this post, but I’ve already hit my time/word limit, so I’ll stop here for today! Stay tuned - next up will be more details about my experiences making coconut milk from a real coconut last week! See ya soon!


PS. I can’t wait to hear your feedback and will also happily take requests if there are topics you want me to explore!